Monday, November 22, 2004



sometimes i feel that i live my life set to a song...last friday, the song is from the smiths - "bigmouth strikes again".

magallanes bus stop

Thursday, November 11, 2004

distance between

received an e-mail from a friend who is now working in tanay. THANK GOD for e-mails!

our subdivision was covered in smog as i was walking home. it was not that thick, just enough to be noticeable. i wonder when will car manufacturers be able to make a practical, environment-friendly alternative to the combustion engine. will it be powered by hydrogen or electricity?

the road at the back of pldt, makati.

Thursday, November 04, 2004


due to the closure of some of the gates in our subdivision, i am forced to take the long way home everytime i go past the alloted time of 9pm. this could be cause for gripping especially when you're tired ( or if you need to go to the toilet, he,he ).

but most of the time i welcome this added walking distance as a sort of buffer. a time to shed the worries and pressures of work in exchange for my responsibilities as a son, brother, uncle and friend.

years ago, a man i have great respect for, taught us a definition for the phrase "work for a living" that i have tried to adapt to my work attitude. am not sure if i have succeeded. but, hey, i need to hope that the god of failures would eventually get tired of seeing me. right?

the fx taxi that i rode home last night was playing one of my favorite indigo girls' tune. and one of the phrases in the song got stuck on my mind the whole night...if i could reap the praise of strangers but end up on my own...all my life is for a song...but maybe i was wrong.